
the recognition of our own heart

par Joan Ruvinsky

Dans cette traduction interprétative accompagnée d’un commentaire du Pratyabhijñahrdayam, l’un des textes fondateurs du shivaïsme du Cachemire, Joan Ruvinsky transmet toute la richesse et l’incandescence caractéristiques de cette tradition sans perdre de vue les 400 dernières années d’investigation philosophique, de révélation spirituelle et de recherche. À la fois œuvre poétique, manuel guide et livre d’art, The Recognition of Our Own Heart nous invite à la découverte de l’inconnu – à vivre directement, d’instant en instant, au cœur du mystère.

this wind

par Joan Ruvinsky

Blending hard-edged observation with a fine dash of humour, the text maps the apprenticeship of the heart from the individual breath to the wind. At once an affirmation of the self and its annihilation, This Wind opens into the silence behind the words.


par Joan Ruvinsky

sunset on the last day of hunting season

What deer still remain are far back in the woods by now.
They count their losses. The others count
their trophies. The score is even.
It’s always a tie in the duality game.

guy sitting in a field

Guy sitting in a field
(it’s Sunday)
stringing a kite –

field sitting in the sun
shaking off an early snow –

space, posing as sky,
sucks up the whole business into
itself –

guy thinks he’s flying the kite.

Guest blog and articles

A community forum for sharing the wisdom of friends, colleagues and sangha members.

On Grasping

“So,” I say to God, “God,” I say.“Now that it’s the end of retreat…How do I keep it?” “Keep it?” says God, says She. “You

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I am creation

I am creation, the endless unfolding. The spark burst to flameEach shimmering breath, a new beginning,I am the expansion, the inspiration…I am a conduit of creativity. I

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bodhi baby  

Exuberant, irreverent, and self-mocking humor is a timeless tool used by spiritual teachers from multiple traditions. In a short text akin to rap lyrics, Adrian

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A Sailor’s Voyage to Here

My first year of studying the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam put language to my lifelong felt sense of “That which is beyond words.” Now, at the end of

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I have always been like this. I have always known what I know. I have never been better and I have never been worse. I

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Soaking in Being

Ananda has been an ongoing exploration and inquiry for me for several years. My morning practice has gradually become what I call “soaking in Being.”

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Barebones BodySensing

“When there is teaching, you must follow the line free from expectation and anticipation […]. It is very deeply rooted in the body-mind that there

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Jaw-dropping wonder

Jaw-dropping wonder, in unfettered freedom, the cause of the universe is This.– verse 1 of the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam (Ruvinsky, et al.) This entire universe is nothing

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Birth Dharma

The female body holds sacred mysteries. She offers up teachings on cycles, pleasure, nourishment, release, gestation, blood, emergence, involution and dare I say she holds

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On Grasping

“So,” I say to God, “God,” I say.“Now that it’s the end of retreat…How do I keep it?” “Keep it?” says God, says She. “You

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I am creation

I am creation, the endless unfolding. The spark burst to flameEach shimmering breath, a new beginning,I am the expansion, the inspiration…I am a conduit of creativity. I

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bodhi baby  

Exuberant, irreverent, and self-mocking humor is a timeless tool used by spiritual teachers from multiple traditions. In a short text akin to rap lyrics, Adrian

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A Sailor’s Voyage to Here

My first year of studying the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam put language to my lifelong felt sense of “That which is beyond words.” Now, at the end of

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I have always been like this. I have always known what I know. I have never been better and I have never been worse. I

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Soaking in Being

Ananda has been an ongoing exploration and inquiry for me for several years. My morning practice has gradually become what I call “soaking in Being.”

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Barebones BodySensing

“When there is teaching, you must follow the line free from expectation and anticipation […]. It is very deeply rooted in the body-mind that there

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Jaw-dropping wonder

Jaw-dropping wonder, in unfettered freedom, the cause of the universe is This.– verse 1 of the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam (Ruvinsky, et al.) This entire universe is nothing

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Birth Dharma

The female body holds sacred mysteries. She offers up teachings on cycles, pleasure, nourishment, release, gestation, blood, emergence, involution and dare I say she holds

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