What is a nondual retreat?

So……….what is a nondual retreat? Does that mean there are no double rooms?

Pathless Yoga – Nondual Retreats with Joan RuvinskyCan I afford a single?

Or is it about getting away from my two-some? Or my two-ness?

Or can I bring him/her/it/them along, too?

One can be a dual citizen. In fact, I myself am a citizen of both the United States and Canada. Can one be a nondual citizen? Of how many countries?
Ultimately, a nondual retreat is where it is all welcome, the fragmentation and the wholeness, the confusion and the clarity. It is a place where it is no longer necessary to be spiritually correct….where conscious napping may have a fancy Sanskrit name like Yoga Nidra. Or where yoga postures are welcome in all their adaptations, form to the wind and feeling to the fore.

If radical self-acceptance sounds appealing to you, a nondual retreat might be a place where you could try it out…..or not.

If the freedom of not-doing sounds profoundly familiar, if the joy of being no one calls, then maybe it might be worth the risk of not knowing what a nondual retreat is and doing it anyway, in a not-doing sort of a way.

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