
jean klein recordings

In 1989, I had the great good fortune of meeting Jean Klein. Eschewing the title “teacher,” he became my “spiritual friend. He never claimed a label, whether Advaita or Kashmiri Shaiva. In fact, he stated unequivocally, “There is no teacher and there are no teachings.” In fact, I can say that he didn’t teach me anything. His presence simply erased all my preconceptions. – Joan Ruvinsky

joan ruvinsky recordings

kathleen knipp recordings

guided meditation: listening

The practice slowly guides us from an alternation between listening to the particularities of the soundscape and attending to discrete body sensations, to pure, objectless

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yoga nidra: the thread

A short practice (22 min) during which we fully immerse ourselves in whatever is arising from moment to moment, feeling the thread of unchangingness woven

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yoga nidra: and this too

This practice followed a conversation during which a number of participants shared their feelings of grief at the loss of loved ones. (Some poetic license

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yoga nidra: relief

I’m running late to pick up the birthday cake, my eyes alternate between road and clock, I’m trying not to speed as I rush toward

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yoga nidra: be still

A practice that explores the nature of mind and the subtle currents which animate the form of body, all against the backdrop of utter stillness.

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yoga nidra: core beliefs

The practice offers an opportunity to feel into our subtle, long-held assumptions about ourselves, our world and others which drive our behaviours and colour our

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yoga nidra: unchangingness

A practice of alternating between the specificity of sensation and the globality of sensing. In particular the sensation of “me” is explored and is experienced

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yoga nidra: self-compassion

This quiet and soothing 35-minute practice focuses on self-nurturance and interweaves the Ho’oponopono phrases for reconciliation and forgiveness. A steady stream of traffic punctuated by

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yoga nidra: spaciousness

A slow-moving, quiet practice centered around rediscovering our inherent spaciousness. Note: now that the classes are offered in “hybrid format” – meaning that there are

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yoga nidra: kindness

We approach the practice with an attitude of kindness while we explore the feeling of this “I” who grasps hold of sensations, emotions and thoughts,

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yoga nidra: meeting the moment

The rich interchange of our virtual sangha that preceded this practice included the sharing of anxiety, “awfulizing”, wanting to cry, “whiny complaints”, disappointment, exhaustion, inherited

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yoga nidra: this

A 30-minute practice of sinking into the space between. Expect long periods of silence. after the exhalationandbefore the inhalationthis during the inhalationthis during the exhalationthis

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yoga nidra: emotions

Shame, confusion, discouragement, sadness, rage, grief, etc. Most of us experience some reluctance when it comes to feeling these “more difficult” emotions. This practice was

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guided meditation: 2-in-1

The recording begins with an 8-minute mini-practice, guiding us to move quickly and efficiently into meditation— dropping right into awareness. The mini-practice is followed by

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yoga nidra: on gratitude

This practice followed a discussion during which words like, “unsafe,” “doubt,” “tense,” and “suffering” were shared during the check-in. It focuses on relaxing deeply and

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yoga nidra: on identification

During this practice we explore identification by alternating between naming, labelling, describing and claiming our experiences and meeting them as pure sensation without descriptors or

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yoga nidra: being aware

Slowly, step by step, the practice explores the difference between being “aware of” the subtle sensations of body, breath, emotions and thoughts that is, being

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yoga nidra: “yes” and “no”

Next session of classes begins June 15. Mondays at 7:30PM and Wednesdays at 10AM EDT. Details and registration here: Exploring what it feels like when

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yoga nidra: beliefs

How do we respond when we believe something to be true? Or not true? What sensations arise? How is the breath impacted? What emotions are

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yoga nidra: five elements

Our embodied existence is explored using the framework of the five elements. The guidance leads us to recognize ourselves as that which we fundamentally are,

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yoga nidra: quarantine

Recorded live at Pathless Yoga in Montreal, March 10, 2020. By request, I led an iRest Yoga Nidra practice this week exploring the possibility of

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